Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sometimes I pretend that my Eyes have lasers.

Being a nerd is fun and all, but there is one cliche that I would love to be a part of. I want to be emo. Well, it might be because I am man-sturating, but I have been a little depressed lately.

My mind, all juiced up on V, Monster, Mother and Red Bull, has been going at a million miles per hour and has been psycho-analysing itself while I have been at work becuase I was obessing over a girl. Long story short, I wasted my time obessing, she never liked me, and all my problems are derived from shit my mum did.

Even though I have no memory of it happening, the only memory I have that is related to it was while I was a kid during school holidays, I would go and work with my dad repairing phonelines. This was heaps fun. One day while my dad was filling up the work van with petrol, I swear I seen the family car at the same servo. The had a thought about what if my mother had another family she would attend to while she was at "work". I knew what my dad did, because I was there, but never knew what my mum did. Well, turns out years later she was seeing other men behind my dad's back.

I guess my problem with wanting to enter a relationship is because I don't want to have to feel the same pain my dad felt when he found out my mum was fucking around. Oh and when that shit was hitting the fan, my girlfriend at the time was doing the same thing. This shit gets to you, it eats you up from the inside, and my mind is my own worse enemy.

Maybe I need to wake up every morning and give myself a positive affirmations like:-

I am a wonderful butterfly, and people like me.
I like to wear my wonderful lollerskates and make people happy.
I have a giant cock and I am not affraid to use it.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

So anyway, just dusting off the old Hambo there. Sure my writing needs polishing up, but you know what? I don't care. This is my blog, and I can be emo if I want.

On that note, here is a video of some guy that has funny videos called Onision. Enjoy.

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  1. I prefer Pessemigations.

    "I'm fucked up, as much as everyone else."
    "There is nothing to look forward too, just like always."
    "It only hurts merely all the time."
