Monday, February 28, 2011

Total Recall

It has come to my attention that I can go back in time. How cool is that?

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Got myself a new motor.


The clock goes on.


Software installed.


Now work begins on the first theme. Should it be a pre-installed one? One that is modified and "tweeked" to my needs? Or one built from scratch? Time will tell, but atleast I am in a position to do testing without having errors shown to the world.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nucking Futs




That is the sound of the clock counting down.

The ball is in motion and is covered in glue. I wonder what kind of crap it will pick up before it comes to a rest? A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Fuck Minecraft is addicting. Found a couple of mob spawners in the middle of the desert. Spawning no mobs.

I need to learn how to embed midi's again.

It could be magic.

Counting down to zero hour, could prove to be the hardest thing ever. Bringing servers back online, loading up databases, remembering coding. Things that I thought I would never need to do again, but the urge is there. Yes this is my second posting, and the project is underway. All in due time my dear Watson.

There are a few things I need to do before it all falls into place, but the parts of the jigsaw puzzle are there, I just need to pick them up, examine them, and place the parts in the right places.

I am getting the band back together? Who knows?




Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where the fun starts.

I have been out of the game for a while. A little too long? Maybe. Are blogs dead? Who knows. I just know that when I did have a blog, it was a great medium for me to express my thoughts. For reasons I don't want to discuss, I stopped that site. Good idea/bad idea? Again, who knows. I did try and start another blog, but I just didn't feel like my heart was in it. I also tried my hand at a meme site. Yeah, that worked. Google pulled their "adsense" from the site because there was a picture that could have been a TOS violation if your mind was in the gutter.

The reason why all the sites I tried to start failed is because I didn't have the love. The only place I vented was on Facebook, and there, I censor myself daily. I want to call people on their bullshit, but I can't it just isn't the place. Slowly, my passion to blog has grown again. And I hope that this project will head in the direction that I want it to.

Step one is to start getting into the feel of blogging again. Blogger is a easy place, and if I lose interest, no finacial loss.
Step two will be to find a new domain name, and then blog from there.
Step three...
Step four, profit.

I might not be the best wordsmith in the world. There will be typos, and there will be grammatical errors. I can tell you now though. There will be swearing, lots of it. From this point on, if swearing gets your panties all bunched up, then you can get fucked right now. There is no room for you on this boat ride to failure.